Hello! My name is Jayme Claar. I am a fifth grade teacher here at Blacklick Valley Elementary! I teach fifth and sixth grade math facts. I like to spend my free time with my family and friends. I like to cook and watch football. I am a big Steelers fan!
I graduated from Indiana University of Pennsylvania in December of 2010. I graduated with a Bachelor's of science in Elementary education (grades k-6) and a specialty in reading. I taught a year of pre-school and then began subbing at Blacklick Valley. I subbed full time in first grade for a year as a long term substitute. I was then hired as a full time teacher in first grade. This is now my second year in fifth and sixth grade. I look forward to all the memories I will be making in my teaching career as well as growing and learning throughout the process.
*Contact Me*
Feel free to email me at any time!
or 749-9211 ext.433