•        Gina                         Steeler 2

    Mrs. Kokoski
    Reading Interventionist
    You have reached Mrs.Kokoski's page.
    • I've been teaching here in the Valley for over 27 years.
    • I currently work with students during our WIN(Whatever individuals need) time. During this time, I provide intensive, explicit instruction to small groups of students to accelerate growth at his/her grade level. My hope is to provide all students with the instruction and skills they require to meet academic proficiency and ultimately become a life-long learner.
    • The final little tidbit I'd like to share is that I am a major STEELERS fan so on game days you can always catch me rooting for the   BLACK-N-GOLD!
    You may contact me at 749-9211 (ext. 438) or email gina.kokoski@bvvikings.org