• Under Pennsylvania law, gifted education is:
    • Conducted in an instructional setting
    • Provided in an instructional or skill area
    • Provided at no cost to the parents
    • Provided under the authority of a school district, directly, by referral or by contract
    • Provided by a state educational agency
    • Individualized to meet the educational needs of the student
    • Reasonably calculated to yield meaningful educational benefit and student progress
    • Provided in conformity with a Gifted Individualized Education Program (GIEP)
    Your child's school will appoint a Gifted Individualized Education Program (GIEP) team.  The team reviews the recommendations from the GMDE that are in the Gifted Written Report (GWR) and determines whether your child is gifted.

    If the GIEP team decides your child is gifted and in need of gifted education, the team writes the Gifted Individualized Education Program at the meeting.

    The GIEP:

    1. will be based on the unique needs of the gifted student, not just on the student's classification

    2. enables the gifted student to participate in acceleration or enrichment programs, or both, as appropriate, and to receive services according to the student's intellectual and academic abilities and needs
    As a parent, you are a GIEP team member.  It is important you attend the GIEP team meetings.  At least 10 calendar days prior to a meeting, you will receive a written notice of when, where, and why the meeting will be held, and a list of the other people who are invited to attend.  If you are unable to attend the meeting in person, you may participate via telephone or ask that the meeting be rescheduled. 
    Required members of each GIEP team are:
    1. The student's parent(s)
    2. Your child, if you choose to have him or her participate
    3. A representative of the school district who serves as the chairperson of the GIEP team, is knowledgeable about the availability of resources of the district, and who is authorized by the district to commit those resources
    4. One or more of your child's current teachers
    5. Others either you or the district invites to participate
    The GIEP must be completed within 30 calendar days after the Gifted Multidisciplinary Team (GMDT) issues its written report (GRW).  The GIEP must be put into action no more than 10 school days after the GIEP is completed.
    Your child's program is review every year at a GIEP meeting.  If requested by you or any other GIEP team member, the GIEP may be reviewed more often.
    The GIEP team will review the written report and will determine how your child is performing in school now.  The GIEP will contain a statement of your child's's present educational performance.  The GIEP team will write annual goals and short-term learning outcomes that meet the needs of your child.
    • Annual goals will describe what your child can be expected to learn during the year.
    • Short-term outcomes are the sequential steps your child must take in order to reach these goals.
    The GIEP will also include: specially designed instruction and support services that will be provided to your child; dates for beginning the GIEP; ways for determining whether the goals and learning outcomes are being met; the names and positions of the GIEP team participants; and the date of the meeting.
    The GIEP team will determine whether the gifted student needs one or more support services.  Transportation to and from school. psychological services, parent counseling and education, or another service is a support services if:
    • It is a vital part of a objective in the GIEP without which the GIEP could not be implemented
    • It is needed to ensure that the student benefits from or gains access to a gifted education program
    The gifted educational program will be completely developed before the GIEP team decides where the program will be provided.  The placement must:
    • Enable the provision of specially designed instruction based on the student's needs and ability
    • Ensure the student is able to benefit meaningfully from the rate, level, and manner of instruction
    • Provide opportunities to participate in acceleration or enrichment, or both.  These programs must go beyond the program the student would receive as part of his or her general education.
    Gifted educational placement may not be based on one or more of the following:
    • Lack of availability of placement alternatives
    • Lack of availability or efforts to make educational or support services available
    • Lack of staff qualified to provide the services set forth in the GIEP
    • Lack of availability of space or of a specific facility
    • Administrative convenience
    Your child's school must ensure that staff is available to provide the services required on your child's GIEP.  A gifted teacher's caseload is limited to a total of 65 students.  The maximum number of students who can be in the gifted class at one time is 20 students.
    After the GIEP team develops the GIEP, you will receive a Notice of Recommended Assignment (NORA) and a copy of the Notice of Parental Rights for Gifted Children.  The district may sent these through certified mail within five calendar days after the conclusion of the GIEP meeting or provide them to you in person at the end of the GIEP meeting.
    When you sign the NORA, you must indicate your approval or disapproval of the gifted educational placement and program.  The district must have a signed NORA indicating approval before your child can be placed in a gifted program.
    • If the NORA is mailed to you, you have 10 calendar days to return it.
    • If the NORA is given to you at the GIEP meeting, you have 5 calendar days to return it.
    • If you gave your approval and signed the NORA at the GIEP meeting, you have 5 days to revoke the approval.
    The Notice of Parental Rights for Gifted Children describes your rights and the procedures that safeguard your rights.  This document indicates when you should receive a written notice from the school and what the notice should contain.  You will also find a section indicating when you must give a written consent to the school district.  Dispute resolution options are discussed in detail, and a due process hearing form is attached.  There should also be a list of telephone numbers and addresses of resources that are available to help you understand your rights or to become more knowledgeable about gifted education.
    You may choose to have your gifted child educated at a private school completely at private expense.  You may also choose a home education program for your gifted child.
    Additional information can be obtained in the booklet  Parent Guide to Special Education for the Gifted.   Contact the Blacklick Valley School District Special Education Office using the email links below for a copy, or the Pennsylvania Department of Education website.
    The Pennsylvania Association for Gifted Education is pleased to announce its new toll-free Helpline number, 1-888-penngifted (1-888-736-6443).
    Tammy Boring, Special Education Supervisor

    Renee Williamson, Administrative Assistant