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    Ms. Edwards' Schedule:
    Period 1: Google Classroom
    Period 2: Spanish II
    Period 3: Spanish I
    Period 4: Spanish I
    Period 5: Spanish I
    Period 6: Prep
    Period 7: Lunch
    Period 8: Spanish III
    Period 9: Spanish II
    Period 10: Homeroom
    Students who sign up for Spanish III and IV have the opportunity to earn college credits through St. Francis University.  Registrations are completed online through St. Francis University's website.
    Please feel free to contact me via email at aedwards@bvsd.k12.pa.us or phone  (814) 749-9213 ext. 102
     Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think.  Albert Einstein 
Last Modified on October 11, 2021